Tractor Season!

With the leaves starting to fall and the air a little crisp, now is the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors before winter has its wicked way. And what better way to enjoy autumn than with one of our tractors from our diverse line of children’s riding vehicles.

This week, we are highlighting three different models from our fleet that contribute to the heavy duty fun of your little one in their own unique way,

John Deere Ground Force

One of the most popular of our tractors, the Ground Force allows children to haul their goods in its trailer attachment while listening to their favorite tunes through the working FM radio. It has the ability to go speeds of 2.25 and 4.5 mph (along with a parent lockout for those that don’t want their children going quite that fast) and an easy to use reverse mode. The Ground Force comes equipped with large wheels that can easily make their way through grass or asphalt.

Case IH Lil' Tractor and Trailer

If your tiny little guy or girl is not yet ready for the full power of the Ground Force, the Case IH Lil’ Tractor and Trailer is the perfect ride to get them started. This cute little ride can travel up to 2.25 mph and comes equipped with its own detachable trailer. The seat adjusts for growing legs and Lil’ Tractor and Trailer can be used both indoors and outdoors.

John Deere Front Loader

Strictly run on man power, the John Deere Front Loader allows your child all of the fun of a riding vehicle, while keeping them active. This pedal and chain drive has an eclipsed heavy-duty bicycle chain and sprockets to protect little fingers. It comes equipped with a large front loader that is fully operable from the driver’s seat. The large wheels of the Front Loader allow it to operate on grass or pavement.

Want to know more about our extensive tractor line? Check out our website for all of the details!

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